September gardening tips: Seed harvest, the last harvest

Saving seeds
September 03, 2008

It's time to harvest seeds. When a plant bolts like the parsley in the picture, it produces different shaped leaves, no longer tasty, so don't use them if you aren't sure.

Parsley Seeds

This is the last harvest our plants give to us: next year seeds.
When blooming is over and stems become brown, harvest seeds from parsley, coriander, dill, fennel, cumin, caraway, celery, basil, mustard, flax, cicely, oreganon, dandelion, anise...
Keep them in a dry place, waiting for the spring.

BasilLeave basil flowers on the plant to harvest the seeds when the plant will die.

CorianderCoriander, cumin, dill and caraway produce seed pods similar to parsley.
The seeds can be harvested in September for plants sowed in spring, and in June for plants sowed in autumn.

Harvesting autumn dill seeds

NiraNira or chives garlic seeds can be harvested in November, when pods are brown.

NigellaNigella seeds can be harvested after about 60 days from sowing.

Saving Nigella Seeds

FenugreekFenugreek seeds can be easily harvested from the long pods after the plant died.

LinoFlax seeds are used in many bread recipes. Flax has gorgeous flowers that will produce small round pods with the seeds: I admit that harvest them by hand is an hard work.

ChiliSave chili seeds from ripe pods and dry them before storing.

Saving chili pepper seeds

StrawberryA tip to save strawberry seeds: seeds are on the outside of the fruits, just cut a thin stripe and let it dry.

SporigamiPut a label on the seed bags and store them in a dark place.

Learn to make sporigami to store all you seeds.

Saving chili pepper seedsRead also:

Saving chili pepper seeds

Saving Strawberry seeds

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Growing aromatic herbs


Author: alessandra

Buongiorno! temo di non disturbare, ma non ho capito dove si possono postare in altro modo le richieste. Vorrei provare a coltivare alcune piante aromatiche - in particolare il coriandolo e l aneto - e vorrei sapere se sapete dove si possono trovare i semi. grazie

Author: Graziana

Ciao Alessandra,
puoi trovare i semi delle aromatiche nei vivai più forniti, oppure acquistarli online, ci sono moltissimi siti che se ne occupano sia in Italia che all estero.
In bocca al lupo per le nuove coltivazioni.

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