Chili and vegetables winter harvest

Rooftop gardening
January 22, 2012

Every winter my chili plants on the rooftop give me the last harvest: they are few pods, mild and not so beautiful as summer ones, but it always feels like a little miracle.

ChiliesFrom the left: Bishop's Hat, a small green Jalapenona, Jamy and Numex Suave Orange.

It's finally time to harvest the carrots sown in the autumn: they are grown in containers on the rooftop, and give a limited but tasty harvest.

Purple carrotsThe Cosmic Purple carrot is one of my favorites: it has purple skin and orange pulp, and a very intense flavor.

Red carrotsThis red carrots are new for me: they are red-pink outside, with a white core. They are very sweet, among the best I've ever tasted.

I also harvested a few radishes Munchen Bier and Watermelon, but we ate them before I remember to take some pictures.
I admit I like to collect new carrots and radishes varieties, read the posts: Colored carrots e Discover Radishes to see them all.

NettleA few months of laziness… and nettles has invaded many pots, especially the empty ones. Discarding all the bigger leaves and the flowering tops, I still picked up a bowl of nettle florets and I used them (along with a few leaves of borage) for the Nettles Gnocchi Carbonara.

Senape indianaBroad leaf mustard (aka mustard greens or Indian mustard) is fully deserving its name: it has big, tasty leaves, 25-30 cm long. Only one plant survived, so I can harvest only a few leaves at a time, perfect as a fresh addition to a sandwich.

Carrots and radishes: 240g
Chilies: 90g
Total 330g (plus nettle, borage and mustard)

This harvest joins to Harvest Mondays.

Yellow strawberryClearing weeds from the pots, I found out that my yellow strawberry plant -that didn't produce anything last spring- in January is full of these little unripe strawberries. I don't think it's the right time for strawberries, but who knows…

Indoor sowingOne year ago:

January gardening tips: Indoor sowing

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My chilies from previous years

Growing chili peppers


Author: Ottawa Gardener (URL)

Lovely to see outdoor harvests this time of year for me. Would you believe that I have no nettles (that I ve seen) in 26 acres. I m considering introducing them somewhere.

Author: Graziana

I know, harvest nettles may be a long work but I love them. Just bury some whole plants (with roots) and they will born in a couple of weeks.

Author: Mary Hysong

love those carrots! No nettles here in the desert! I have some seed waiting to be planted along with what is supposed to be a really red carrot, Kuroda. We shall see. I love to collect different kinds and colors of veggies too!

Author: Marika

che meraviglia quei peperoni, riuscirò mai a produrne almeno uno? Anzi, per favore, dammi un nome di un peperoncino rosso, (facile da coltivare...)di cui poi possa tritare i semi per fare la polvere per condire.
A proposito di fragole, io ho due piantine che ogni anno mi danno soddisfazione, ma sai che a
dicembre ho raccolto una fragola mezza rossa e l ho messa insieme alle ultime rose sul tavolo per Natale?

Author: Graziana

Ciao Marika, non ho mai tritato solo i semi dei peperoncini, in genere anzi spesso li tolgo per avere una polvere meno piccante e di colore più brillante. Per questo va bene qualunque tipo di peperoncino cayenne o simile, puoi acquistare una piantina direttamente in un vivaio o anche al mercato tra qualche mese.
La tua fragola dicembrina mi lascia ben sperare per le mie... vedremo!

Author: Marika

ottimo consiglio, quindi io potrei tritare solo dei semini ed avere una polvere piccante e, togliendoli, tritare solo il peperoncino ed avere un tipo più dolce.
Proverò con i cayenne e ti saprò dire, grazie.
Mi piace sempre di più questo blog, è ricchissimo di informazioni, colori e quasi sembra di sentire i profumi delle spezie.
Ti sei fatta un amica erbe aromatiche-dipendente.... e poi sei siciliana, no? Io lo sono nel cuore.

Author: Graziana

Ciao Marika, mi fa sempre piacere leggere i tuoi commenti così pieni di entusiasmo!

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