Chili sowing, 2: newborn plants

Growing chili peppers
January 22, 2010

Bulgarian CarrotMany chilies from the December sowing are sprouted, and some of them proudly show the first true leaves, like the Bulgarian Carrot in the picture.

The young chili plants need light above all: I put them on a windowsill, and I turn on a neon light every afternoon.

JamyI'm growing Jamy for the second year, to cook again the Chili Jam.

Rooster SpurI'm growing again also Rooster Spur: it looks like a small-scale model chili, with tiny hot pods.

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Chili sowing

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Chili sowing

Growing chili peppers

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Author: Joanne (URL)

yay for the new seeds! I will keep my fingers crossed for them.

Also, about the eight hour pulled pork recipe, since I made it in the crockpot I could just leave it at home all day while I was at school. When I came back it was done! It was super easy.

Author: Graziana

Hi Joanne, thanks for the tips!

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