Borage flowers

The surprising flowers
May 23, 2011

Borage grows as a weed in my pots, and during spring it blooms.

BorageThe flowers are small and collect them from the slightly thorny branches can be annoying...

...but once collected you will be fascinated by their bright and vivid color.


I dried these flowers to add them to my flowers tea, that I prepare different every year.

Read all the borage recipes.

The surprising flowersThe surprising flowers: flowers of aromatic herbs, vegetables and spontaneous herbs.

Aromatic Herbs Crepes
One year ago: Aromatic Herbs Crepes

Two years ago: Flowers Tea

I'm hosting Weekend Herb Blogging this week (May 23rd to May 29th).

Weekend Herb Blogging is an event started by Kalyn from Kalyn's Kitchen and now handled by Haalo from Cook (almost) anything at least once.
WHB #285: Recap

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Ciao, ho appena inserito un link a Erbe in cucina nel mio sito, che tratta sia di fiabe che di ricette. Trovo che qui si respiri l atmosfera magica da giardino degli odori che stavo cercando per le mie Fate Mentate!

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Grazie per il suggerimento, proverò questa interessante ricetta con i fiori della prossima primavera.

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