Aromatic herbs in April

Growing aromatic herbs
April 10, 2011

Aromatic herbs during April offers small harvests, and requires water and some care.

DandelionDandelion has new tender leaves, that can be eaten raw during spring.

Chives garlicI sowed some more chives garlic (or Nira): it can be reproduced by division, but I wanted to try my seeds.

CaperI kept indoor this plant of capers during winter, then I repotted it and now it's full of new leaves.

HyssopMy hyssop has two years, and has new tender sprigs. It will become a small bush and will bloom soon.

Wood SorrelWood sorrel has already started to bloom.

SageSage leaves can be harvested to prepare Fried Sage, but I will wait to drie and store them.

Lettuce leaf basilIt's time to sow basil: this year I'm trying this lettuce leaf basil and licorice basil for the first time.
I've sowed also an old friend, cinnamon basil.

Chives garlic division
One year ago: April gardening tips: Chives garlic division

Two years ago: Young plants: Jalapeno and Weeds?

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Enjoy growing

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