Recipe: Chestnut and seeds loaf

Bread with spices and aromatic herbs
November 03, 2012

SeedsI wanted to bake a loaf using soy flour, and I also added some seeds: from top left: pumpkin, flax, sesame and sunflower seeds.

ChestnutsI also added some chestnuts, and especially the day after the bread had a pleasant aftertaste.

We ate this dark bread with a creamy soup the first day, and then with cheese and ham.

Chestnut and seeds loaf

Chestnut and seeds loaf

150g flour soy
50g bran
25g butter
300g all-purpose flour
1 tbsp flax seed
1 tbsp pumpkin seeds
2 tbsp sesame seeds
2 tbsp sunflower seeds
50g boiled and peeled chestnuts
1/2 tbsp salt
150ml milk
200ml water

Dissolve the yeast in 60ml of warm water and set aside.
Melt the butter in a large frying pan, then add the bran and toast over medium heat for about 10 minutes, stirring often.

Chestnut and seeds loafMix the flour and soy flour, then add the toasted bran, seeds, salt and coarsely chopped chestnuts.
Add milk and warm water.

Chestnut and seeds loafCover and let rise in a warm place two hours.
Make two cuts on the surface and bake in preheated 180° C (356 F) oven 25-30 minutes.

Two years ago: Cooking with mint

Three years ago: Protecting plants from winter

I'm sending this to Yeast Spotting.
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Author: Denis GF

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