Chili repotting time
Growing Chili Peppers
March 18, 2008
Two weeks ago I brought out some pepper plants grown indoor. They have lost some leaves but they still look fine.
On the right, in plastic glasses: Poblano, Cayenne Hybrid, Serrano, Pimento Antille, Cherry Pepper.
On the left, in small pots: Cedrino, Hot Lemon, Jalapeno, Hungarian Yellow Wax.
This Sunday I transplanted the peppers in three big pots. This is a picture of the roots, I think they needed the repotting.
Here is my Hot Lemon in its new home. It's a sunny place, and I hope it will be fine here.
So why worry? Because these are the plants that are waiting for me next Sunday... it will be a long day.
Read also:
Storing chili peppers
Fiery recipes
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