WHB #188: Recap

22 giugno 2009

I'm really proud to host this edition of Weekend Herb Blogging, with 21 incredible recipes from all over the world... and today I'm also proud to tell you that my baby is six months old!
Best wishes to him and to you all, thank you for all you delicious recipes and useful information and let's start with the recap!

You will find basil, celery, chervil, chives, coriander, lavender, mint, parsley, rhubarb, rosemary, oregano, tarragon and thyme recipes, learn everything about green lance, japanese turnips, limu, moringa tree, mung bean and find out how to prepare many astonishing recipes.

Weekend Herb Blogging is an event started by Kalyn from Kalyn's Kitchen and now handled by Haalo from Cook (almost) anything at least once.

More information:
WHB Rules
Who's Hosting WHB
Weekly recaps for WHB

Ahi Limu PokeNate and Annie of House of Annie write from San Jose, California and teach us how to prepare Ahi Limu Poke... and also what each of these words means: Ahi is an hawaian tuna, and it's cooked with Limu, a seaweed.

Strawberry TartarDhanggit of Dhanggit's Kitchen from Aix en Provence, France, posted Strawberry Tartar, an interesting way to prepare strawberries, with basil and thyme. Yum, I'm harvesting these herbs...

HerbaliciousJulia of Grow. Cook. Eat. from Cambridge, MA, love soft herbs: tarragon, basil, chervil, chives... They can be mixed with butter to prepare an herb butter that she calls Herbalicious. I love this name!

Ragi dosai – Finger millet indian crepesDido Divya of Dido lives cooks from Germany, learned from her mother how to cook Ragi dosai (Finger millet indian crepes), enriched with coriander. This indian-style-crepes looks really healthy!

Lemon-Rosemary SorbetPam of Sidewalk shoes, share with us her amazing Lemon-Rosemary Sorbet. Okay, it's garnished with thyme... but are there any laws against wrongful garnishing?

Stir-Fried Green Lance with Black BeansRachel of The Crispy Cook from Saratoga County, New York, USA, cooked Stir-Fried Green Lance with Black Beans. Green Lance is an asian vegetable that she planted this spring, captivated by its superhero name... this is her first harvest!

Peruvian CausaYasmeen of Health Nut from Cleveland OHIO,USA, cooked Peruvian Causa, a layered potato and vegetable salad. A healthy recipe... that looks stunning like a rainbow!

Marinated Fresh Mozzarella with HerbsThe foundress of WHB, Kalyn of Kalyn's Kitchen show us her Marinated Fresh Mozzarella with Herbs, with basil and oregano. I tried this recipe the same day that that I received the entry. How long can you resist?

Radish Herb ButterJude of Apple Pie, Patis, and Pâté from Chicago, IL, prepared Radish Herb Butter. She added mint, chives and parsley to the original French recipe, and spread it on bread. It looks scrumptious!

Wine poached pearsElizabeth of blog from OUR kitchen from Toronto, Canada, cooked Wine poached pears with goat's cheese and pecans, that she decorated with thyme. She also provides many useful information about silver and lemon thyme, explaining how to nurture the plants and use the leaves, even in sweets!

Munggo Malunggay Mush (Mung Bean & Moringa Mush)TS and JS of [eatingclub] vancouver from Vancouver, BC, Canada, introduces us to malunggay, or moringa tree, an incredible tree with almost every part edible. They used the leaves with Munggo (Mung Bean) in Munggo Malunggay Mush (Mung Bean & Moringa Mush).

Strawberry Rhubarb PieHaley J. of Appoggiatura from West Point, VA, tried many variation, and finally create the ultimate Strawberry Rhubarb Pie recipe. Boy, I have to grow rhubarb next year...

Apple ChipsIt's autumn in Sydney, Australia, and Anh of Food Lover's Journey fights her bad mood with colourful fall fruits like apples. She share with us Apple Chips: choose some flavoursome apples, and you won't need to use any sugar!

Smashed garlic potato saladJoanne of Eats Well With Others from NY, NY, prepared a Smashed garlic potato salad with chives. I love potato salad, new recipes and ideas are always welcome!

Braised turnips with mustard sauceKatie of Eat this from Haslett, Michigan, bought some Japanese Turnips. They can be eaten raw if you want, but she chose the recipe Braised turnips with mustard sauce. Sounds like a great idea!

Pear and Walnut SpongeThe handler of WHB, Haalo of Cook (almost) Anything at Least Once had some Packham Pears, and shares with us Pear and Walnut Sponge. I love fruit cakes but I never used a sponge batter: I have to try this!

Terrace Garden SaladPeggy (aka TBTAM) of The Blog that Ate Manhattan created the quick and tasty Terrace Garden Salad with lettuce, basil, parsley and mint from her pots. She added some couscous and here is her perfect quick recipe!

Asparagus, Goat Cheese and Lemon PastaJerry of Jerry’s Thoughts, Musings, and Rants from Ontario, Canada, posted many useful info regarding french tarragon: about how to grow it and use it. He cooked also Asparagus, Goat Cheese and Lemon Pasta... believe me, you won't resist to the description of his melted cheese sauce!

Homemade vegetable stock cubeBrii of Brii blog in english from Valsorda, Italy, teaches us how to prepare Homemade vegetable stock cube with sage, parsley, marjoram and thyme added to the vegetables. Homemade stock looks like a great idea!

Lavender SugarCinzia of Cindystar from Italy, harvested some gorgeous lavender flowers and prepared Lavender Sugar. It will be ready in few weeks... I can't imagine the incredible aroma.

Hummus with Summer SaladHere is my entry for this week: Hummus with Summer Salad, a dip from Ancient Egypt, served with a radishes salad. I harvested the celery and white radishes of the salad... it always makes me so proud.
Potrebbe interessarvi...

Misti di spezie e erbe aromatiche

Le idee di Erbe in Cucina
Ricetta: Hummus con insalata estiva

Salse, condimenti e intingoli alle erbe

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Autore: Rachel (URL)

Thanks for hosting this always-informative and always-delicious event. I learned some new things and bookmarked some tasty recipes!

Autore: Haley J. (URL)

I adore hummus, it s such a wonderful dip for using up fresh veggies from the garden. Thanks for being a wonderful WHB host!

Autore: Haalo (URL)

A stunning array on offer - thank you for hosting!

Autore: Peggy Polaneczky (URL)

Thanks for hosting - some great recipes here!

Autore: Elizabeth (URL)

What a wonderful display, Graziana. Many thanks for hosting. I can t wait to try several of these ideas!

Autore: _ts of [eatingclub] vancouver (URL)

Thanks for hosting! Great round-up. There are so many entries! Wow.

Autore: Nate (URL)

Such amazing and beautiful dishes. Thank you for hosting! Great job.

Autore: cinzia (URL)

great recap, Graziana!
some more new things to learn and try!
thanks for hosting!

Autore: dhanggit (URL)

great round-up graziana!!all entries are mouth-watering!!

Autore: Jerry (URL)

You did a great job with the round up! There are so many delicious sounding things here to try . . . now to find the time to cook them all! LOL

Autore: Kalyn (URL)

Sorry I am so slow getting here to see the entries. What can I say; it seems like I never get everything done any more (and I m retired, life should be easier!) Hope you like the marinated mozzarella. Thanks for hosting, nice job!

Autore: Graziana

Thank you, it was my first hosting and I really enjoyed it!

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