My summer harvest

Rooftop gardening
September 16, 2012

It was a busy summer, and I didn't publish almost anything about my harvest.

Aromatic herbsI harvested aromatic herbs, renewing my stock of sage, mint, marjoram, thyme and other herbs.

I created a mixture of the three sage varieties, common sage, scarlet sage and clary sage, whose large leaves you see in the picture.

In the top right you see the spice basil: I have grown it for the first time but its flavor is too intense for me, almost smelly. This year I'll put it in the Middle Eastern Aromatic Mixture, but I won't sow it next year.

White mintI harvested a lot of white mint, to add it to my mint & herbs tea with balm and other mint varieties.

FlaxI harvested flax seeds in June. Flax seeds are high in fiber and have a thickening power which makes them a substitute for eggs.

Tomatoes have given me great satisfaction, and I'm glad to have grown a larger number of plants than last year.

Chocolate StripesSome pictures: Chocolate Stripes tomato, with large fruits, dark red with green stripes, beautiful to look at and very sweet.

Brandywine YellowBrandywine Yellow tomato has fruit of medium size, juicy and tasty.

Rhubarb ChardI had also a lot of rhubarb chard. It can be eaten raw but I like to stir-fry with butter for a couple of minutes.

Some other pictures of tomatoes and my sad rhubarb, that has suffered a lot because of the heat.


HarvestThis year I planted a few chilies, but carefully chosen: Jalapeno Tam and Jimmy Nardello in the picture are mild and delicious.

Gold Zucchini were gorgeous but not so tasty, and even Ky Pickles in the picture was disappointing, it was too full of seeds.

This goes to Harvest Mondays.

Rice salad with fried vgetablesOne year ago: Rice salad with fried vegetables

Two years ago: Burger with chili sauce

Three years ago: Pickled green purslane

Four years ago: New potatoes with catnip

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The harvest begins

Rooftop gardening


Author: Michelle (URL)

The Chocolate Stripes is a pretty tomato. I agree wit you about the golden squash, pretty but no flavor and they don t hold well after harvest. I m loving Jimmy Nardellos this year, they are very flavorful and productive.

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