Recipe: Orange, chocolate and cinnamon muffins

Dessert recipes with spices and herbs
March 10, 2014

I often use bread leftovers to cook dessert, soups, omelettes and other recipes.

The bread chocolate cake is my favourite: I added some orange zest and baked small muffins instead of one cake, and we all love it.

Orange, chocolate and cinnamon muffins

Orange, chocolate and cinnamon muffins

300g bread leftovers
300ml milk
2 tbsp almonds
3 tbsp coconut flour
1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa
100g milk chocolate
1 tsp orange zest, chopped
1 tsp cinnamon
50g butter
200g sugar
2 eggs
3 tsp baking powder

Cut the bread into cubes and soak in milk.
Coarsely chop the almonds and chocolate, then add the bread with milk and chop again.
Combine the cocoa, coconut flour, melted butter, sugar, cinnamon, orange zest, beaten eggs and baking powder.
Put the cups in a muffin tin and pour 2 tablespoons of mixture into each.
Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
Allow to cool and remove the cups.

March gardening tipsFour years ago:

March gardening tips

I'm hosting Weekend Herb Blogging this week (March 10th to 16th).

Weekend Herb Blogging is an event started by Kalyn from Kalyn's Kitchen and now handled by Haalo from Cook (almost) anything at least once.
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Author: carla emilia (URL)

Ciao Graziana, a parte che sono qui sola e stanca che potrei mangiarmi 5 o 6 di queste tortine per tirarmi su ;), ti lascio anche qui il link della ricetta per il WHB
Purtroppo non so per quale ragione ma aruba mi dice che le mail che ti invio non ti arrivano. Se è vero, ti chiedo la gentilezza di venirti a prendere la foto sul mio blog. Mi dispiace di darti questo fastidio, ma non so cosa fare...
Grazie e un abbraccio
Carla Emilia

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